Tammy Jonsson of Meridian, Idaho, recently was laid off from a small residential and commercial contractor in Boise. But the talented go-getter is refusing to sit and wait on work to come to her.
No sooner than she was laid off, Tammy got to work starting up her own company again. Imaginative Construction Solutions offers design-and-build residential and commercial construction services throughout Idaho and the Northwest.
Tammy, who has 17 years of experience in the construction industry, and her husband Reynir have owned and operated construction businesses in Washington, Oregon, California and Idaho.
Tammy’s extensive work experience includes administrative/office management, human resources, customer service, sales and marketing. Her computer skills include Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher, Outlook, QuickBooks and Web design.
Alongside Imaginative Construction Solutions, Tammy is starting a Mary Kay business, which can be accessed online at www.marykay.com/tammyjonsson.
Tammy is a big fan of the barter system and will trade labor or Mary Kay products for goods and services.
She is open to accepting full-time work with other individuals and businesses. Her resume is available by e-mailing tammy@imaginativeconstructionsolutions.com.
Visit the Imaginative Construction Solutions Web site for more information, including the full scope of the company’s services and photos of past projects.
Tammy and Reynir will celebrate 23 years of marriage in June. They have two children, Tyler, 18, and Brynja, 15, who attend Meridian High School. Tyler will graduate in May. Brynja is a ninth grader and 4.0 student.
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